Your best source for championship level cheer signs now has a new website!! Get your cheer squad signs and accessories from the same company you know- we’ve supplied cheer products to 11 different National Championship winning teams and have a reputation for 100% quality service and products. Made in Kentucky, shipped nationwide! The website is completely redesigned to make ordering easier than ever for you!

Our new site is here, to reflect the new vibe in cheer!! Upbeat, positive and MIGHTY! But what has not changed is our focus on serving you!
And because you are already a VIP customer, you are pre-approved to use ANY of our payment options: a credit card, check, or a School Purchase Order.
If you placed an order with us on or after January 1, 2020, you can simply create a new password on our new website. Use your original email address as your User Name- click Forgot Password and you will receive your reset link via email. Start Here
Other VIP customers, please create a new login – Right Here. Update your smart phone with our new name, email and our phone number. Then let us know what you think. We love hearing from you!!! That’s the spirit!